Frequently asked questions / FAQ

General questions

Yes, we are based in Switzerland.

Yes, as long as your order has not yet been shipped, you can make changes. Please contact us as soon as possible at .

Yes, we offer special discounts for bulk orders or corporate orders. Please contact us for more information.

We offer a wide variety of trendy, useful and modern car-related products. We continually update
our shop and complement it with the latest and trendiest products in the automotive world.

You are welcome to send us an email with a link, picture/video or description of your desired product. We will then consider adding this product to our range so that you can conveniently order it from us.

Yes, your opinion is very important to us! After you receive a product, you can leave a review on our website.


We accept all common means of payment, such as: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and many others.

Yes, of course we also offer Twint as a payment method!

Customs fees may apply depending on where you live and the value of the order.


Shipping time varies depending on the product. Shipping usually takes 5 to 10 working days , although slight variations are possible. If there are several products, the shipment may take place in partial deliveries .

Shipping is FREE! For orders below 20 CHF, a small quantity surcharge applies.

Yes, we ship our products internationally.

If your package has not arrived after more than 10 working days, please contact us by email at: . We will then check with our supplier if everything is ok and then work on a solution that will satisfy all parties.


Please see our Refund Policy .